Sunday, July 19, 2009

- - -

i juz wan 2 b silent...



i juz wan 2 forget...
if can i wanna forget hu am i 2..

Every happy person...
nt juz hav happy..
they happy coz him/she wan 2 c his/her fren happy..

Actually their backgroud..
is alone.lonely

Juz u donnoe..
plz giv me some s.i.l.e.n.t days...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

MJ (2)

MJ-Michael Jackson..

U stil no.1 !!
MJ was so tired..
he juz wan to sleep well..
a chance n 4ever..
pls don say everythings bad of Michael again..
juz let him sleep well 4ever..

this King of Pop
is a don have chirldhood n any happiness person..

his songs n dance is the no.1
no ppl can be him!! NO!!


Good Bye..
Hope u can be happy in the place..

MJ (1)

MJ-Michael Jackson had left us..
at 25 Jun 2009..
his die..
let me felt so sad..
last he wont be alone anymore (you are not alone-MJ)
nw he was gone to a peace n happy place..
hw ever..

tat u gave us the best song n dance..

his life is legend..

Bye MJ..